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Lady Laker Basketball Club started in late 2013.  Selected, were a few players that have the potential to become quality basketball players.  We also strongly encourage family support from all of our parents.  We feel the girls we have on our team are a reflection of their parents.  Attitude, practice, respectfullness and a willingness to succeed are qualities we look for in the girls.  We hope to build a team with players that show good sportsmanship, willing to compete in each game and always push themselves to improve.  We have already seen the results and are excited for future advancement in their basketball knowledge.


Coach Brian McElyea is a former graduate of Camdenton and has 2 daughters in the club.  He is a very knowledgable basketball coach and brings his knowledge of the game to this club.  You may hear Brian screaming on the sidelines during a game but it is just a sign of excitement to encourgage his players to raise their level of play.  The person behind the coach is a very quiet natured individual but you wouldn't know that by his coaching style.  We are very excited to have Brian as our Head Coach.


Coach Chad Van Buren is a father of 2 students at the Camdenton School district.  His daughter is also on the club team.  He is a person who demands activity and hustle.  He supports Brian and helps to teach the girls teamwork and being a good sport no matter the outcome.  Chad is also a very emotional person during the games.  You may also see him become very animated on the bench but it is also an indication he doesn't believe the girls are playing to the level expected. He supports the Head Coach in every facet of the game.  We are also excited to have Chad as our Assistant Coach.


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